Search results for: Joy For All

Here are the products, information, and advice articles for your search:

Famileo for professionals

Famileo for professionals

A family gazette that will bring joy to your residents

Trivial Pursuit Generations

Trivial Pursuit Generations

Connect and engage while playing an inclusive and accessible board game! Joy For All, in partnership with Hasbro, has created a new version of the classic Trivial Pursuit game. Thanks to large, easy-to-read cards, this version gives the classic trivia game a new twist and makes it accessible!

The Tovertafel console

The Tovertafel console

Tovertafel is a care solution for people with Alzheimer's or cognitive impairment based on research and co-creation with community living environments.


Découvrez la Tovertafel

Découvrez la TovertafelDécouvrez la Tovertafel Regardez cette vidéo pour découvrir comment utiliser la Tovertafel. La Tovertafel est une console qui projette des jeux interactifs. Utilisez-là lors de votre visite pour...

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