Bring comfort!

New! A sensory companion to ease anxiety and decrease loneliness thanks to its beating heart and weighted limbs.

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Eugeria Ranks 25th on Globe and Mail’s 2024 Top Growing Companies List

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Enjoy daily life

Daily life

Clocks, calendars, adaptive phones, pill dispensers, and more


Entertainment and hobbies

Companion pets and robots, puzzles and paintings, music, and more


Home adaptation

Stove alerts and monitors, wandering alarms, and more



Reminiscence, adaptive activities, advice and information

Take a look at Eugeria's product catalog

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Our exclusive solutions : Tovertafel

Discover the Tovertafel

Recently launched in North America, the Tovertafel is an innovation from the Netherlands that stimulates play in people with dementia. The console transforms any table into a Magic Table that features adaptive games for cognitive impairment and apathy.

The Tovertafel has shown positive impacts on residents' quality of life. By creating moments of happiness for people with cognitive impairment, it assists healthcare professionals and fosters play between generations.

Articles and advice to understand Alzheimer's and aging

Eugeria in the news

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