Vireo - Hydrponic Garden

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Cultivate. Grow. Gather.


A living, therapeutic leisure project: a hydroponic garden designed for human living environments.

  • High capacity of 99 fully edible plants
  • Easy to install, use and maintain
  • Soilless and healthy
  • Mobility to fit into any space
  • Complete kit including seeds, substrates, cleaning solutions, etc.
  • Intuitive digital application for hassle-free garden management 365 days a year.

Vireo projects actively involve residents, employees and the community, promoting :

  • Breaking isolation and community impact
  • Overall physical health (sleep, fine motor skills)
  • Engaging therapeutic approaches
  • Mental well-being and self-esteem



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Average rating of 5 out of 5 stars.
Eugeria replied:

Other options: Produits bien pensés pour tous les budgets

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