New arrivals

Discover the new Eugeria products

The Game of Life Generations

The Game of Life Generations

Play this reimagined version of the famous game The Game of Life, specially redesigned for older adults and their families.

Scrabble Bingo (3 games in one)

Scrabble Bingo (3 games in one)

New arrival! The beloved Scrabble with easy-to-handle game pieces! This new series of reimagined board games are making the classics accessible to people of different abilities.

Arthur's cars (Reading book - French Only)

Arthur's cars (Reading book - French Only)

Revivez les souvenirs de toute une vie à travers les voitures d'Arthur, un livre spécialement conçu pour les aînés.

Snakes & Ladders and Ludo

Snakes & Ladders and Ludo

The Relish Snakes & Ladders & Ludo game is ideal for creating meaningful moments and fostering connections, whether at home or in a care environment.

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