Activity Books - tax

Spark Your Mind Vol. 1 (French only)

Spark Your Mind Vol. 1 (French only)

Activity book with games (crosswords, word searches, Sudokus, etc.) adapted for people with Alzheimer's disease or other cognitive impairments. Stimulate your loved ones' neurones!

Spark Your Mind

Spark Your Mind

Activity book with games (crosswords, word searches, Sudokus, etc.) adapted for people with Alzheimer's disease or other cognitive impairments. Stimulate your loved ones' neurones!

Aiguisez votre mémoire (French only)

Aiguisez votre mémoire (French only)

Activity book with games (crosswords, word searches, Sudokus, etc.). Stimulate your loved ones' neurones and yours!

Cerveaux actifs - Le grand livre (French only)

Cerveaux actifs - Le grand livre (French only)

Activity book for anyone who wants to maintain their cognitive abilities through games. Simple entertainment for some, cerebral training for others; hours of leisure for all.

Cerveaux actifs - Le grand livre (French only)

Cerveaux actifs - Le grand livre (French only)

Activity book for anyone who wants to maintain their cognitive abilities through games. Simple entertainment for some, cerebral training for others; hours of leisure for all.

Cerveaux actifs - Le grand livre (French only)

Cerveaux actifs - Le grand livre (French only)

Activity book for anyone who wants to maintain their cognitive abilities through games. Simple entertainment for some, cerebral training for others; hours of leisure for all.

Antirides pour les neurones volume 1 et  2 (Ensemble en français)

Antirides pour les neurones volume 1 et 2 (Ensemble en français)

Cahiers d'activités (mots-croisés, mots cachés, Trouvez l'intrus, etc.) adaptées pour des personnes vivant avec l'Alzheimer ou un trouble cognitif. Stimulez les neurones de votre proche et les vôtres!

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