Weeds in Nana's Garden by Kathryn Harrison (en anglais seulement)

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Disponible en anglais seulement. Pour des livres pour expliquer la maladie d'Alzheimer à des enfants en français :

  • Moins de 6 ans : La mémoire effancée
  • 5 ans et plus : La petite rapporteuse de mots

    A book to help your child understand Alzheimer’s disease

    Unsure about how to explain to your child that their grandparent has dementia?

    Weeds in Nana’s Garden, written by Kathryn Harrison, is a book dedicated to helping children understand Alzheimer’s disease and dementia.

    This book tells the story of a little girl who likes to help her Nana garden. One day she finds weeds tangled with the flowers and understands that it’s because her Nana doesn’t take care of her garden as she used to do because of her dementia. The little girl decides to take care of the garden and to love it as her grandma did. The book is a beautiful metaphor for dementia being weeds in the garden, the garden is different but loved all the same.

    The following is an excerpt from the book:

    After another year, the weed in Nana’s garden and the dementia in Nana’s brain grow more. [...] We both work to plant, water and feed the garden.

    How can Weeds in Nana’s Garden help you?

    • To explain Alzheimer’s or dementia to your child more easily
    • To help your child understand the disease in a more relatable way, through a story

    Useful for 

    • Children aged 3 and more
    • A caregiver who has difficulty finding the right words to explain the disease to their child
    Caractéristiques Détails

    Ce qui rend cet ouvrage unique, en plus des illustrations colorées et magiques, est la section Questions-Réponses à la fin. Cette section a été co-créée de concert avec la Société Alzheimer de Toronto et de jeunes enfants. Cette collaboration a fait ressortir ce que les enfants voulaient vraiment savoir sur l'Alzheimer et la démence.

    • Auteure et illustratrice : Kathryn Harrison
    • Éditeur : Flipturn Publishing
    • Parution : 2016
    • Pages : 32 pages
    • ISBN : 9780994946713

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